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In the summer of 2012, the foundation organised a three-week residency programme titled Art in Post Public Space. The aim of this programme was to investigate more specifically what happens to art developed in a remote environment no longer inhabited by potential audience. Twelve artists from different countries in Europe and the United States participated. The residency resulted in various site-responsive works that were presented in the houses and surrounding landscape of Tsarino, focusing on the different aspects of the place, its history and present state. The participants chose to invite the local population from around Tsarino to see how the village was being inhabited at that moment and what the artists had been working on during their residency.
Participants: Alice Gancevici & Remus Puşcariu, Aline Weyel, Charlotte Ten Raa, Einat Imber, Erin Diebboll, Ida Thunström, Kiril Kuzmanov, Sisters From Another Mister, Terry Vreeburg